>>Bills With Solid Serial Numbers Worth More Than Thought

>>Bills With Solid Serial Numbers Worth More Than Thought

The five-dollar bill in your wallet could be worth a lot more than its face value if it has a solid serial number. According to GoBankingRates, five-dollar bills with solid serial numbers, meaning all the numbers are identical, can be worth up to $2,000.

Serial numbers are unique eight-digit codes found on the front of U.S. currency. They are accompanied by other identifying letters and numbers that indicate the series year of the bill and where it was printed. Solid serial numbers, such as "G88888888A” or "B55555555C", are extremely rare. Only about one in 11 million $5 notes have a solid serial number, according to The Penny Hoarder.

If you find a note with these rare characteristics, it is recommended to have it professionally appraised at your local coin shop. While the face value of a $5 bill is low, the potential value to currency collectors could be significantly higher due to the rarity of solid serial numbers.

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